To all Indians residing out of India & have any of below mentioned work from India, can get our sincere services instead of his / her personal visit and expense their money & time for the same work. If some one still comes & finds any difficulty, he / she may contact us for the same. Our all round expertise may be financial, arbitration, legal or administration etc. would definitely help them in solving their problems.
Advice to NRIs to take care of their conglomerate in India as well as expansion thereof along with liaising with Govt. Departments.
To attend court’s proceedings & compliance of other legal formalities on behalf of NRIs.
To handle Income Tax Matters, Banking Matters or other similar official matters in all respects.
To investigate, collection & supply of various types of information on behalf of NRIs.
Matrimonial Cases- Conciliation / Mediation when relations are at the edge of separation.
Sincere Hearer & Personal guidance.
To Business Concerns / Entrepreneurs:
Advice / Consultation to Foreign Investors or Surveyors on their plans and also carry out study of different situations, Analyses thereof & draw Final Results from such survey on their behalf.
Help in establishments of new undertakings in India.
Make arrangements either for Export or Import of any Goods or Services.
Temporary/Contingent Services – of Executive level.
News Letter
"SiliconIndia" a leading Business Enterprise & Technology, US-India Magazine, shortlisted 'Make Grow Advisors' for "Best Consultations and Advisory Companies to work for 2020".